Sunday, July 7, 2024

Lidl says logistics firm is helping it achieve environment target

Discount supermarket Lidl said this week that global supply chain firm DHL is helping it achieve its environmental targets in the UK.

Lidl is planning to open 30 new stores a year in the UK and recently announced plans to demolish its supermarket in Grantham and replace it with a new store with an “enhanced visual impact” with red bricks columns, dummy glazing and in-store bakery.

Longer 14.6m semi trailer pilots – extended by one metre – will transport high-volume but low weight goods across 50 delivery routes across the UK. The supermarket predicts it will cut Co2 emissions by 14.5 tonnes and reduce 16,000km per year in road miles with the move.

Lidl UK‘s Senior Transport Consultant Michael Bell commented: “We‘re delighted that the introduction of the longer semi trailer pilot to our operations is projected to not only deliver significant operational efficiencies but will support us in meeting our environmental objectives.”

Earlier this month, Lidl‘s CEO and head of buying left due to “unbridgeable” differences.


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