Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Big Interview: Mark Dunhill, MD, Whittard of Chelsea

With only 51 stores in the UK, and little to no advertising, you‘d be forgiven for forgetting about Whittard of Chelsea. But the tea specialist has been around since the 19th century. The first Whittard of Chelsea store was opened by London merchant Walter Whittard in 1886, where he sold teas from around the world to eager London customers. That store has since turned into a nationwide franchise and a household name. If your friend‘s cupboard has a blend of tea you‘ve never heard of before and aren‘t sure you‘re ever likely to try, it‘s likely that it came from Whittard. 

Mark Dunhill, Whittard‘s MD since January 2014, is a lover of teas. His favourite one week is replaced by another the following week”, and with a background that complements his connoisseur status, he can really appreciate the correlation between the


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