Friday, July 5, 2024

Tesco accused of discrimination

Tesco has been accused of discrimination, as students from a state school in Edinburgh have reportedly been forced to queue outside while private school students come and go freely.

The country‘s largest grocer has been attacked by state school students from Boroughmuir high school who have said the retailer forced them to wait behind a barrier and enter in small groups, according to The Guardian.

One of the children‘s fathers and professor of innovation and social informatics at Edinburgh University told The Guardian: “My son is at Boroughmuir. He has to stand in the queue each day. He‘s not one to complain but it was getting him down – so we decided to do something.

“He and his friends are frustrated because they have to wait outside whilst others go ahead of them. Tesco also ‘police‘ the door in that they have a person there making sure they queue.”

READ MORE: Tesco Bank scandal named worst cyber crime in UK history

“They don‘t want to get into trouble, or to present their school in a bad light but they just think it is unfair.”

Pollock‘s son claims that he had been following a group of boys from the private school entering the shop and was turned away by staff at the door.


Three other pupils contacted have supported this claim. Upon complaining to Tesco via Twitter, Pollock was given the explanation that the private school usually has less children, making it easier for them to pass in and out.

A spokesperson later stated that the claims were “completely untrue – there has never been any discrimination between state and private school children at this store.”

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