Average grocery basket price rises ahead of Christmas peak

Average grocery basket price

The average grocery basket price has risen in October compared to September, according to a monthly tracker.

Shopping and comparison website MySupermarket‘s monthly Groceries Tracker found the price of a basket of 35 popular items came to £85.22 compared to the previous month‘s £84.90.

Overall, the cost of 16 products rose, 18 decreased and two items stayed the same price.

The same basket of goods also costs £1.94 more on average when comparing October this year to the same period last year, which equates to a two per cent year-on-year increase.

The latest Groceries Tracker was released a week after the closely-watched BRC-Nielsen Shop Price Index, which indicated that overall shop prices decreased at their slowest rate in four years during October at just -0.1 per cent.

However, BRC-Nielsen found food prices continued to remain in inflation territory with a 2.2 per cent increase.

MySupermarket’s tracker found that trolley staples such as onions and toilet roll pushed the price of an average basket of goods up, but savings were possible on seasonal items including broccoli and apples.

The biggest price increase was onions, which saw a 19 per cent increase from £1.11 to £1.32 per kg between September and October.

Butter, which has seen a steady price increase of nine per cent over 2017, increased five per cent between September and October, while mushrooms increased four per cent.

Paper goods such as kitchen towels and toilet roll also saw an increase in price – three per cent for kitchen towels and five per cent for toilet roll.

However, household staples such as pasta and frozen pizza fell in price, with 1kg of dried pasta now costing seven per cent less in October compared to September and frozen pizza fell two per cent from £1.83 to £1.78.

Fresh seasonal items such as apples also fell two per cent between October and September 2017.

Tomatoes saw the biggest price drop among fresh items, falling five per cent from £2.74 to £2.60 per 500g between September and October 2017.

While broccoli fell four between September and October, it is still 36 per cent more expensive than the same period last year. The same applied to carrots, which are 27 per cent more expensive year-on-year.

Only sausages and chipolatas remained the same price.

The Groceries Tracker monitors the cost of the same 35 most commonly bought grocery products monthly from Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury’s, Ocado, Waitrose, Lidl and Morrisons.

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