Contactless payments will be soon be capped at 5-in-a-row

Shoppers will have to enter their PIN number after five consecutive contactless payments under new measures designed to tackle contactless fraud.

Under new European Union legislation, set to come into effect in September 2019, shoppers will be required to enter their PIN number every five payments, or after every time you spend of €150 (£132).

Currently shoppers are required to enter their PIN on any purchases greater than £30, but banks have not revealed how many payments in a row are required before a PIN is required in fears it will aid fraudseters.

According to new data from UK Finance, cash payments dropped by 15 per cent over the last year to 13.1 billion, while a boost in card payments in the final quarter saw them pull ahead for the first time with 13.2 billion.

A huge increase in contactless payments helped tip the balance over 2017, rising 97 per cent to 5.6 billion, with an estimated 63 per cent of UK adults now using the technology regularly.

This sharp rise in the popularity of contactless card payments has also seen fraud skyrocket, with an estimated £5.6 million lost in the first six months of 2017.

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  1. All contctless cards or wearables such a Bpay need to be issued with a PIN for conactless.
    Question – would this at the same time introduce high-value contactless in UK? Only country in Europe (well, or geographically in that vicinity…) that seems to have excluded the option to use contactless & PIN beyond 30 GBP.


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