Asda accused of leaving 3000 staff short-changed under contract changes

Asda Walmart
// Asda accused of leaving 3000 supermarket staff short-changed amid proposed contract changes
// Proposals include an end to paid breaks, simplified terms and increasing basic pay to £9p/hr
// Fears that 2700 staff will lose up to £500 per year, with a further 300 harder hit

Asda has been accused of leaving 3000 shop floor staff worse off as part of proposed changes to employee contracts that will see the end of paid breaks.

Last week, the Big 4 grocer said it would seek to simplify terms for hourly paid workers and increase the basic rate of pay for all retail employees from £8.21 to £9 per hour.

The new contracts would also still include the benefits of an annual bonus, colleague discount, sharesave and pension.

However, staff would be asked to work more flexible times such as on bank holidays while breaks would no longer be paid.

Asda has entered into a consultation on the proposals, which could see the contracts take effect in late 2019.

Labour Mitcham and Morden MP Siobhain McDonagh has said in a letter to Asda chief executive Roger Burnley that staff involved in the process could lose up to £500 per year.

She also accused Asda of reduced night shifts to five hours, between 12am and 5am, as part of the contract proposals.

Writing after a meeting with Asda public affairs senior director Chris Lowe, McDonagh said the loss of paid breaks, an end to premium pay and shortening of night shifts would hit staff wages.

She added that approximately 2700 staff will lose up to £500 per year, with a further 300 to be harder hit.

“For these staff, £500+ is a huge amount of money and would have a significant impact on their livelihoods,” she wrote.

“I welcome any increase in basic hourly pay – but this must not be used to disguise a significant pay cut for 3,000 of your most longstanding staff.”

McDonagh also raised concerns over staff being required to work more flexible times.

She said that while some might welcome the change, others who may have care considerations may find the changes “extremely difficult”.

She tweeted her letter to Burnley in full today:

The GMB trade union, which represents Asda employees, last week raised concerns over the plans to change contracts, calling for negotiations.

Meanwhile, Asda said the changes would bring it in line with industry standards.

“As our customers continue to change the way they shop with us, we also have to be prepared to change to meet their needs, and a key part of delivering great service is having the right colleagues in the right place at the right time, which is what this contract aims to achieve,” Asda senior vice president for operations Anthony Hemmerdinger said.

The news comes less than three months after lost a long-running court battle over equal pay.

On January 31, the Court of Appeal upheld the a previous ruling that lower-paid shop floor staff, who are predominantly women, can compare themselves to depot workers who are predominantly men.

The ruling concerned the first of three stages in an ongoing equal pay case into whether the roles are comparable, and whether both parties should ultimately be paid the same.

Meanwhile, Asda’s prospective merger partner Sainsbury’s made similar changes to its contracts last year, whereby it eliminated paid breaks but upped the base level of pay.

The UK’s competition watchdog, the CMA, is expected to shortly publish Sainsbury’s and Asda’s responses to its provisional findings on an inquiry on their proposed £12 billion merger.

The regulator’s final report is set to be published by April 30.

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  1. My lot bought my contract out in 2011, taking away all the perks, ie triple time on Good Friday, double time on Bank Holidays. Never had paid breaks, so Asda are only catching up with the rest.

    • Hi , out of interest what contract was you on that they bought you out of ? Was it contract one with the andy bond letter by any chance ? , thanks

  2. i think its disgraceful asda can basically give you 3 weeks notice and make you work when they want ie nights days evenings start and finish times different departments and if you cant do as they say you would be out of a job its terrible they should not be allowed to get away with this.what are the gmb union doing about it seems not a lot

  3. But is “your lot” so short staffed with some departments having only one or two staff on, counters can hav only three or four staff to serve on meat, fish, chicken and pizza and queues at weekends are horrendous, the new flexible contract 6 began in March 2017 all colleagues recruited after this date where put on it automatically whilst others working here longer had a choice as only 60% of hourly paid staff signed up to it there proposal is now to force us all into it, which some saw coming.
    Hours are changed those can be on a short contract say 9 hours a week and be expected to work 40 hours with the overtime. In the last couple of years 3 staff have left our department and have been replaced in January they send you home early and say they are over wages allowance, are all stores like this? Staff pushed from shop floor replenishing onto to home shopping then customers are complaining of empty shelves when confronted managers just shrug ‍♂️ their shoulders, They advertise cheap salmon for Easter then don’t give us anymore than normal so it’s ran out by midday. Managers spend their time in eating upstairs or straight shelves now and again and taking daft pictures of promotions and happy managers for twitter to make it look good in the eyes of customers and regional bosses, managers are overpaid and never busy at all and unaware to what’s happening with staff rushed off feet only care about sales targets.
    Staff off with stress and depression then managers complain about sickness is too high on the noticeboard.

    • I have found that in the smaller local Asda supermarkets, managers work very much harder than those in the large supercentres. The smaller stores are also better to shop in, with the shelves being replenished all day, not just at night.

  4. Went on contract 6 at the beginning because I wanted to drop a day and i new that they would force me over because i wanted to change the hours of my contract. So i work 25 hours and get paid for 23. Also i no longer get a pound an hour more than the old contracts as promised because they have had 2 larger pay rises than contact 6. I do feel mislead.

  5. It like this all over under staffed empty shelves to save money and I’ve had my second 121 and have the contract to look over before I sign I’m going to see the union boss who’s in our store in Skelmersdale tomorrow I’m going on early before my shift starts to speak to him and see what he has found out many have signed but other haven’t because
    Use the union have told them not to sign I’m in the union they at the many office even got the hours I work wrong and they figures and now the difference I will be getting if I sign to go on contract 6 is less than the figures they had come up with which is just over £18:00 less than they had put it just shows you they don’t get everything right.

  6. I’ve just signed the new contract 6. Dreading it to be honest. I can’t believe they are taking our service off us

  7. Asda have been treating their staff badly for years. Most departments are under staffed, but are still expected to preform as they did when fully staffed. Every change of contract makes it worse. The attitude of the management stinks, all shop floor workers are treated like second class citizens.


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