Now that it’s returned to British ownership, what’s next for Asda?

Asda was bought by Mohsin and Zuber Issa, the billionaire brothers who own petrol forecourt firm EG Group, for £6.8bn last week. The deal returns the Big 4 giant to British ownership for the first time in 21 years. Retail Gazette looks at what this means for Asda.

Asda sale Sainsbury's Roger Burnley CMA Walmart Issa brothers
Walmart will retain a minority stake in Asda as part of an agreement to transfer majority ownership to the billionaire Issa brothers.

Asda has officially become a British-owned retailer again – the first time in 21 years.

Last Friday, US retail behemoth Walmart agreed terms for a £6.8 billion sale of a majority stake in the Big 4 grocer to the billionaire Issa brothers, along with partners at private equity firm TDR Capital. Walmart had accepted a bid from a consortium led by Mohsin and Zuber Issa – the Lancashire-based owners of petrol forecourt firm EG Group – following a lengthy auction process.

Walmart has owned Asda since 1999, and the deal means it would still retain a minority stake in the Big 4 grocer as part of the agreement, as well as have a seat on the board.

Asda sale Sainsbury's Roger Burnley CMA Walmart Issa brothers
Walmart has owned Asda for 21 years.

“This new ownership opens an exciting new chapter in Asda’s long heritage of delivering great value for UK shoppers,” Asda chief executive Roger Burnley said.

The Issa brothers confirmed Asda’s headquarters would remain in Leeds, and they will support the existing management team and maintain competitive pay levels for shop floor staff.

They also said they would invest over £1 billion in the next three years to further strengthen Asda’s business and its supply chain, and grow its convenience and online operations.

Asda sale Sainsbury's Roger Burnley CMA Walmart Issa brothers
EG Group is owned by Lancashire-based brothers Mohsin & Zuber Issa.

The sale comes more than a year after the proposed £12 billion merger between Asda and Big 4 rival Sainsbury’s was blocked by competition regulators at CMA.

US-based Walmart had sought to exit the UK through a sale of Asda after the CMA blocked its merger with Sainsbury’s amid fears it would push up prices and reduce product quality. Discussions over the sale of Asda started in February this year, but these came to a halt due to disruption from the Covid-19 pandemic. The auction process restarted in July.

Although ecommerce sales doubled during the lockdown period, during which Asda remained open as it was classed as an essential retailer, the Issa brothers now face the challenge of expanding the grocery giant’s digital business further to take advantage of the soaring online demand.

Asda sale Sainsbury's Roger Burnley CMA Walmart Issa brothers
The Issa brothers confirmed Asda’s headquarters will remain in Leeds.

EG Group and TDR Capital will also face the challenge of keeping prices low amid tough economic conditions for shoppers and potential new tariffs on EU-imported foods.

Mohsin and Zuber Issa made their fortunes after transforming their business from one rented petrol station into a network of almost 6000 forecourts across 10 countries. The brothers said with the new purchase of Asda, they would test their idea for a “better shopping experience” by investing to offer a wider range of fresh food and high-quality produce.

In fact, Asda recently announced the launch of its ‘On the Move’ convenience store format in an effort to simplify the in-store shopping process for its customers.

“Our partnerships strategy is focused on making our busy customers’ lives easier,” Asda chief strategy officer Preyash Thakrar said.

“Asda could benefit by learning from EG Group’s franchise experience”

“That means offering convenience when they visit our stores by bringing in complementary brands to help them complete more shopping missions in one location, and convenience that makes our great value products more accessible in local communities.”

Pro Ganguly, former Asda senior buying manager and current senior manager at procurement consultancy 4C Associates, argued that the biggest opportunity for Asda now is to accelerate its convenience format under the Issa brothers.

“Under the new ownership, it’s only a matter of time before the trial is rolled out to more of EG’s 390-plus sites nationally and access to 6000 sites internationally, giving Asda access to new markets and adding to their market share,” he said.

Retail expert Nelson Blackley told Retail Gazette that the Issa brothers would likely use their forecourts to roll out an Asda convenience store operation nationwide. He added that although the Issa brothers have no experience of running large supermarkets, they and TDR Capital do have expertise around convenience and brand partnerships. Blackley also said it was likely they would look to form more partnerships with other retailers to make better use of excess space in Asda’s stores.

Meanwhile, Ganguly believes the new sites could also give Asda the opportunity to expand its general merchandise and clothing sales through offering a click and collect service.

“Walmart has learned a lot from Asda and had a rich talent pool to pick from”

“Another area where Asda could benefit is by learning from EG Group’s franchise experience,” he said.

“EG Group have strong franchise partnerships with the likes of Starbucks, Greggs and Subway and Asda could utilise that experience to develop their own partnerships with other brands.”

He added that the biggest benefit of Asda coming under British ownership was the fact that any profits generated by Asda will be reinvested in Asda in the UK, rather than going to Walmart for them to then invest in their US and/or other global businesses.

“It is well known that Walmart has used profits generated from its international businesses to prop up its US business and further fuel its expansion in international markets such as its acquisition of Flipkart in India,” Ganguly said.

Catherine Shuttleworth, chief executive and founder of retail marketing agency Savvy, told Retail Gazette that Walmart made it clear that its focus would be on new expanding markets such as India and in developing its ecommerce proposition in the US.

“Walmart has learned a lot from Asda and had a rich talent pool to pick from that is now deployed across its organisation as well as profitable returns on its investment,” she said.

“The new owners are a mix of private equity and entrepreneurs who are very committed to developing the UK marketplace and are committing to spending £1 billion over the next three years within the Asda business in the UK.”

Ganguly said: “The deal will also allow Asda to set its own identity – since buying Asda in 1999, Walmart tried to model Asda on its operating model, turning Asda stores in the UK to clones of Walmart stores in the US.

“Asda has struggled to define where it stands amongst the Big 4 and has failed to clarify its USP. It has also failed to tackle the emergence of discounters and its online business has lagged behind those of Tesco and Sainsburys.”

Blackley agreed. He said the UK has faced increasingly strong price competition from German-owned discounters Aldi and Lidl – especially in Asda’s traditional northern heartland – and as a result Asda’s UK grocery market share has fallen from 18 per cent to just over 14 per cent over the past five years.

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  1. British ownership. These guys were even from Britain originally. If your white British then you can come that title. Not those that move here and claim a cititnship.

    • The Issa brothers were born and raised in the UK, and their business EG Group was founded and continues to be based in the UK. They’re British.

    • Ms Tagg you are being ridiculous. Without people like Michael Marks, Jack Cohen, Montague Burton, Frank Woolworth, Garfield Weston etc. etc. and their families the British retail industry would look very different.

    • Wow you horrible person I’m white British and what you have just said is not what 99% of white British Believe if there parents moved here in 50s 60s when ever and had children while living here they became British from birth as they was born here moron I hope that British born Pakistani Indian give you a slap

    • Damn Katie, you can’t even write. Your grammar is worse than those who aren’t even British! You’re are the one that needs to be taught how to write and use correct words. Your ignorance is beyond pathetic. Racist is what you are. Go back and crawl under your blanket and wake up in the morning and a smell the coffee!!

  2. They are British and they are bringing jobs money and opportunities with more training for ppl into the UK instead of sending it elsewhere this helps not just our aconamie but could help those who are on a low income as a white British man boarn and served i am pleased for them and look forward for the future for them and uk

  3. I doubt if ASDA will pay tax any longer as all the profits will be hoovered up by loan repayments. Same as most leveraged takeovers.

  4. I think regardless who they are, they have worked hard & grown a small garage into a very well organised company. If they can do this with one garage just think what they can do with Asda. Ps I am a white British male who cares about not what you look like but how hard you work. Bravo Asda is on the rise again.

    • What a lovely comment. Glad to know there are decent people around and not all white British people are racist. Small ignorant people ruin it for all.

  5. Get rid of that green and bring back the original orange.Walmart-mart don’t forget your greeter.Wal-mart sold this because of Aldi and Lidal and not because they needed the money..There is a lot going on here behind the scenes

  6. Asda is well overdue for a major shake up. It’s stores have become a downtrodden shadow of how they used to be. Others such as Aldi, Lidl, and others have outshone Asda and beat them soundly. Now let’s see if they can make a long overdue comeback by smarting themselves up and get themselves into the 21st centuary.

    • With a turn over of 33 billion a year that not done a bad job and who cares who owns what keep the price right your in a winner !!

  7. Asda doesn’t sell enough margarine and seems to have stopped selling things like smart price Jaffa Cakes online. I can get them in store. They seem to be Aldi but online. Cut staff for horrible machines and sweets at manned checkouts. Too much junk food as well as horrible bagged salads..End those by having them in recyclable containers

  8. work at asda & I can tell you it’s not all as people see or think. Staff being laid off. Department’s being shut. For instant no bread made in store any more it all brought in from outside firms. Lots of young people are being hired on zero contact hour’s. It’s like get the older one’s out – hire the young & then don’t have to pay as much. The asda aces who do the cleaning are next 2 get the chop. The guys that did the repairs on machine’s are all but a few will be going.

    Well you people say it getting better are wrong it getting worse if anything

  9. My sister as been a cleaner at ASDA in Highbridge Somerset for two years as an agency worker she as never let them down starting every morning at 0600 through rain and snow . Now she as been toil she will be out of work on the 29th/1/22 . Because ASDA are not having any more agency workers as of that date
    She is hard working girl and a
    ASDA are been unfaithful to her

  10. Asda Burgh Heath fuel no longer competitive, even Esso can match. In-store prices escalating and people migrating to Tesco, Aldi & Lidl. Just announced getting rid of all checkout staff (even if on minimum wage) so all tills will be self service. An example of how to trash the customer base!


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