Tesco offers to help with roll-out of Covid-19 vaccine

Tesco AstraZeneca vaccine COVID-19
Matt Hancock said 530,000 doses of the Astra vaccine will be available from Monday
// Tesco offers up subsidiary Best Food Logistics to help with the roll out of AstraZeneca vaccine
// The grocer is offering to help ministers roll out vaccines for Covid-19
// The UK has ordered 100 million doses of the vaccine

Tesco has reportedly offered up its distribution arm to help with the roll out of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

The Big 4 leader offered to help ministers roll out vaccines for Covid-19 as the private sector ramps up its support for the immunisation programme, The Telegraph reported.

The grocer’s subsidiary Best Food Logistics has offered up its network of refrigerated lorries and warehouses as part of a race to give the newly authorised Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine to millions of people by April.


Meanwhile, hotels and conference centres have also offered to open up their venues to be used as sites for mass vaccinations to be carried out.

The pharmacy sector has urged the government to make use of its high street network to deliver jabs.

Tesco division Booker Group’s trade distributor Best has spare capacity because thousands of pubs and restaurants are shut, and it is seeking to put this to use.

The Astra vaccine must be stored in a fridge, meaning the right supply chain is crucial.

Matt Hancock said 530,000 doses of the Astra vaccine will be available from Monday for priority groups such as care home residents, the over-80s, and health and care workers.

The UK has ordered 100 million doses of the vaccine, in addition to 30 million of the Pfizer vaccine which is already being used.

The health secretary said this combined provides enough for two doses for the entire British population.

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