Supreme Court ruling on Asda equal pay fight to be handed down today

Asda trials UK-first indoor map service for the blind and visually impairedequal pay fight
The GoodMaps mission is to improve the accessibility, safety, and inclusivity of indoor spaces.
// Supreme Court asked to consider if Asda store workers are entitled to compare themselves to distribution staff for equal pay
// Judges considered arguments at a hearing last July and are due to deliver a ruling today
// Store workers, represented by law firm Leigh Day, made the sex-discrimination claims

Asda bosses are waiting for a ruling today on a Supreme Court equal pay fight with store workers.

More than 40,000 Asda store workers, about two-thirds of whom are women, have brought equal pay claims after complaining that staff working in distribution depots unfairly get more money.

Asda bosses say store jobs are not comparable to distribution centre jobs.


Store workers, who are represented by law firm Leigh Day, have made sex-discrimination claims.

They say store workers have historically got less because most store workers are women, and most distribution depot staff are men.

Lawyers representing store workers say distribution depot workers get between £1.50 and £3.00 an hour more.


Supreme Court justices were asked to consider whether Asda store workers are entitled to compare themselves to distribution staff for equal pay purposes.

Judges considered arguments at a hearing in July and are due to deliver a ruling today.

Lawyers say the ruling will have implications for supermarkets, and other retailers.

The litigation began some years ago.

In 2016, an employment tribunal decided that store workers were entitled to compare themselves to distribution staff.

That decision was upheld by Court of Appeal judges in 2019. Asda bosses then appealed to the Supreme Court.

Lawyers say the store workers’ fight will not end, even if Supreme Court justices rule in their favour, and the litigation could run on for years.

They say the next stage would involve an employment tribunal deciding whether specific store and distribution jobs were of “equal value”.

If judges decided that different jobs were of “equal value”, the litigation would then enter a third stage.

Lawyers say an employment tribunal would then consider whether there were reasons – other than gender – why people working in stores should not get the same pay rates as people working in distribution centres.

Store workers bringing claims are members of the GMB union.

with PA Wires

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  1. If ASDA lose it will be interesting if they get staff from tills to also do handballing heavy boxes in the warehouse or driving fork lift trucks etc. If they are comparable jobs then they can all swap around. No?

  2. Time for Distribution workers to stop playing the physical strength equals better pay. Have to accept the reality which is the shopfloor is a place full of both emotional and physical challenges.Support us youre not going to take a drop in pay so time to be fair!


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