John Lewis Christmas ad stars an alien and lands on TV screens a week early

John Lewis
This year, it has launched its ad a week earlier than usual
// John Lewis launches Christmas ad a week earlier than usual
// The ad features another unusual character – sticking to its usual theme

John Lewis has introduced this year’s Christmas ad, featuring an alien stepping in where a dragon, penguin and monster under the bed have gone before.

The company has become a big annual TV moment that kicks off the Christmas shopping season.

This year, it has launched its ad a week earlier than usual after a rise in searches for Christmas products on the department store’s websites.

READ MORE: John Lewis Partnership signs £420m credit deal linked to sustainability

This is to help shoppers try to dodge supply problems in the run-up to the festive period.

Its campaigns – from the Hare and the Bear in 2013 to Monty the Penguin in 2014 and 2019’s Excitable Edgar the dragon – generally call on characters that draw millions of viewers online.

After last year’s effort, which featured a montage of quirky animations about kindness and giving to charity, rather than giving presents, this year’s festive promo features more products.

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  1. A very difficult management decision, with store closures, redundancies, and stock supply issues, do you plough ahead with something like £6m of expense on a Christmas TV campaign? Have they read the mood of the nation correctly? Could that expenditure have
    been better directed at a local level? At a time when we have food poverty and people sleeping on our streets, do we have to have a TV campaign just because we always do one?


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