Tesco axes overnight stock replenishment putting 1,600 roles at risk

Tesco to move its overnight stock replenishment to daytime trading hours
“We operate in a highly competitive and fast-paced market and our customers are shopping differently, especially since the start of the pandemic," - Jason Tarry.
// Tesco reveals it will be moving its overnight stock replenishment to daytime trading hours
// In 36 stores, Tesco will also convert its petrol stations to be pay-at-pump only during overnight hours

Tesco has decided to move its overnight stock replenishment into the daytime in 36 large stores and 49 convenience stores.

The grocer will also convert its petrol stations to pay-at-pump-only during overnight hours at 36 stores.

Just yesterday Tesco revealed it is closing the fish, meat and hot deli counters at 317 of its stores and plans to axe its value chain Jack’s.

The changes will put around 1,600 roles at risk of redundancy across the business, however Tesco said it aims to offer alternative roles to as many colleagues as it can.

Tesco UK and ROI CEO, Jason Tarry said: “We operate in a highly competitive and fast-paced market and our customers are shopping differently, especially since the start of the pandemic,”

“We are always looking at how we can run our business as simply and efficiently as possible, so that we can re-invest in the things that matter most to customers. The changes we are announcing today will help us do this. Our priority now is to support our impacted colleagues through these changes and, wherever possible, find them alternative roles within our business.”


The retailer said that it had successful trials of moving overnight stock replenishment to daytime trading hours and had shown that colleagues were still available on the shop floor to help customers at peak times.

Tesco currently has 3,000 vacancies across its business, and hopes to find as many of the staff affected as possible alternative roles.

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  1. Tesco is fuelled purely by greed. How much profit is enough profit? A lot of the staff chose night shift for child care reasons, Financial reasons as there’s a premium for night shift work along with many other reasons. Retailers need to cut out directors and below before attacking there in store staff as a retail assistant is lot less of a cost to the company then a senior figure.

  2. Stores are crowded enough at times without replenishing taking place as well. Think eventually all meat, fish, cheese, deli meats in Tesco will be pre-packed. That will be my cue to shop elsewhere.

  3. So the stores will be full of staff, the trollies and cages stocking the shelves and also going around doing the internet shops, what a clever idea. It can be busy enough at times with all the staff doing customer internet shops clogging up the aisles.

  4. Not a good move, its not customer service driven, merely driven by reducing costs and increasing profits. Daytime in many stores is total chaos as those staff picking for online orders are constantly under time pressure, they have no time to help customers, many appear to working like zombies and often get in each others way, whilst also preventing customers getting round the store safely. Management very often unhelpful and appear unapproachable.


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