Analysis: Why appointing female CEOs isn’t enough for supermarket gender equality

supermarket gender equality
We look at the rise in top-level supermarket gender equality - does it it trickle down to women along the supply chain and on the shop floor?
// The past couple of months have seen a number of high-profile women – such as the Co-op’s Shirine Khoury-Haq – climbing the ranks in the supermarket sector
// Does this corporate gender visibility ensure diversity inclusion on the shop floor and along supply chain lines?

In a time of ‘first-ever female CEOs‘ and increased gender diversity across supermarket boards and seniority, at first glance the question of workplace inclusion appears resolved.

But do the effects of this corporate gender visibility trickle down to all women in the grocery industry? And is enacting top-down feminist policy really enough to ensure diversity inclusion on the shop floor and along supply chain lines?

Read the full story at Grocery Gazette.

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