Cost of living: Should supermarkets be stepping in where the government has failed?

cost-of-living supermarkets
As the cost-of-living crisis intensifies, should retailers really be taking on more responsibility for helping struggling households than the government?
// Supermarkets have introduced money-saving schemes to help consumers cope with rising costs
//  But should they really have to step in and fill the gaps left by the government?

With the cost-of-living crisis intensifying and inflation soaring to record levels, it would be the understatement of the year to suggest that people might be struggling with their bills at the moment.

In an attempt to combat this – and hopefully retain their own margins where possible – supermarkets have introduced a number of money-saving initiatives and schemes to help consumers cope with rising energy bills and food costs.

But the question remains: should retailers really be taking on more economic responsibility for helping struggling households than the government?

Read the feature in full over at Grocery Gazette.

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