Majestic Wine offers free year-long supply of wine for store location tips

Majestic Wine is offering a year of free wine to anyone that can spot good locations for it to open new stores across the UK
// Majestic Wine is offering a year of free wine to anyone that can spot good locations for it to open new stores across the UK
// The retailer has shortlisted 76 potential new locations, including 29 within the M25

Majestic Wine has offered a year’s supply of wine to whoever can help it decide where to open new stores.

The specialist wine retailer currently has 201 shops nationwide and says it has a wish list of 76 locations across the UK, as it continues on with its expansion plans despite the cost of living crisis.

Majestic has opened two new stores, in Haywards Heath and Godalming, over the past month and was bought in 2019 by US investment firm Fortress for £95m.

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Chief executive John Colley said: “We are calling on the UK’s wine lovers to help us find sites so that we can offer more people a place to taste and discover new wines, beers and spirits with guidance from our expert staff.”

Despite online shopping rising in popularity during the pandemic, and the cost of running physical stores surging, Colley said: “None of us have a crystal ball, but we remain optimistic despite tighter consumer budgets as wine is still something people want to enjoy and savour.

“Customers are returning to physical stores with enthusiasm, seeking out the advice of our expert staff to discover the real value in their wine choices.”

Majestic has also reinstalled tasting counters designed to help customers discover new wines which had been removed under its previous ownership.

Colley added: “Some retailers are battening down the hatches given the current climate, however history has shown that Majestic is an extremely resilient business.

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  1. How do I get a list of their proposed locations they are interested in and what is the minimum, ideal and maximum square footage they are looking for


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