Amazon faces £900 million UK lawsuit for favouring own products

// Amazon faces £900 million lawsuit in the UK after claims it was favouring own products
// The proposed case will be filed at the Competition Appeal Tribunal in London

Amazon is facing a £900 million lawsuit in the UK over allegations that it has favoured its own products.

The online retailer is under scrutiny from consumer rights advocate Julie Hunter who plans to bring the collective action on behalf of consumers who have made purchases on Amazon since October 2016.

Hunter’s lawyer representatives from law firm Hausfeld, said that Amazon has breached competition law by using “a secretive and self-favouring algorithm” to promote its own products through the “Buy Box” feature on its website.

The proposed case – which Amazon said was “without merit” – will be filed at the Competition Appeal Tribunal.

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Hunter said: “Far from being a recommendation based on price or quality, the Buy Box favours products sold by Amazon itself, or by retailers who pay Amazon for handling their logistics. Other sellers, however good their offers might be, are effectively shut out.”

Amazon said: “This claim is without merit and we’re confident that will become clear through the legal process.”

The lawsuit is expected to be filed at the CAT by the end of this month and will have to be certified by the tribunal before it can proceed.

It is being brought on an “opt-out” basis, meaning that any potential claimants will be included in the claim unless they choose to opt out.


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