Watch: Dreams unveils £4m brand campaign starring Gillian Anderson

Dreams advert

Dreams has unveiled a new £4m multichannel brand campaign starring actress Gillian Anderson, entitled “Think what a Dreams bed could do for you”.

The campaign comes under the bed retailer’s longer term strategy to reinforce its position as a market leader, according to Dreams.

The business developed the campaign alongside M&C Saatchi London, after appointing the company as lead creative agency in July.

According to Dreams, the campaign is inspired by the fact that we spend about a third of our lives in bed, but often pay little attention to the role our mattress plays in sleep quality.

The campaign aims to highlight “the incredible things sleep can do” such as improving alertness and memory.

In the launch advert, which features a 60-foot art installation made of mattresses, Anderson encourages viewers to question what they sleep on.

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The campaign is set to run across TV, audio, social, digital and in-store.

Dreams chief marketing officer Jo Martin said:

“Through this campaign we wanted to convey the importance of finding the right mattress, and the care and attention we give to every aspect of the customer journey – from our products and how we look after customers in store to setting up the bed as important part of someone’s home”.

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