Morrisons: Union ‘angry and disappointed’ by pension changes


Retail trade union Usdaw is “angry and disappointed” with Morrisons’ refusal to consider alternative proposals for pension scheme reform.

Usdaw criticised the supermarket‘s latest confirmation of changes, which include a switch in contribution percentages from employers and employees.

Currently, the pension scheme sees Morrisons provide 5% and its employees 3%, yet the grocer has revealed it will switch this to 3% from the employer and 5% from its workers.

Other changes include the supermarket readjusting life cover and eliminating company-wide service milestone bonuses.

Despite some improvements in other staff benefits, Usdaw reiterated it was disappointed that Morrisons had not accepted any counter proposals and vowed to explore all available measures to persuade management to reconsider and present a fairer offer.

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Usdaw national officer Darren Mathews said: “After a series of consultation meetings with Morrisons, it is deeply regrettable that they are pressing ahead with proposals to seriously reduce the terms of the pension scheme.

“The company claims that these changes are due to upcoming Government reforms, despite the fact that there has been no actual timetable announced for these changes.

“As such we do not believe that Morrisons need to make these changes and we are not aware of any other retailers who are looking at similar reforms.

“While Morrisons are making some minor improvements to other staff benefits, the loss of the Long Service Award on every fifth anniversary will negatively impact thousands of staff. This is a change that we were neither consulted on nor advised of ahead of the announcement.

“We are angry and disappointed that Morrisons has not accepted any of our counter proposals and we will be looking at every measure available to us to persuade management to review their position and come back with a fairer offer.”

Retail Gazette has contacted Morrisons for comment.

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  1. As the company is billions in debt they are doing anything to recoup money, selling petrol stations, raiding company pensions, skeleton staffing across all stores.
    Ken Morrison will be spinning in his grave if he knew how this has been the outcome of the sale to CD&R.

  2. But this is what happens with private equity…..load you with debt asset strip sell of the silver and then let the government pick up the pieces at the taxpayers expence


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