Monday, May 20, 2024
Retailers that innovate in omnichannel will succeed amid Covid-19 (Oped)

COMMENT: Retailers that innovate in omnichannel will succeed amid Covid-19

University of Edinburgh Business School lecturer Kirsten Cowan looks at how and why a omnichannel strategy will be essential.
Jo Causon The easing of lockdown means new challenges for retailers comment opinion

COMMENT: The easing of lockdown means new challenges for retailers

The easing of lockdown measures presents a new set of challenges for retail leaders but they must remain focused on their purpose
EXCLUSIVE: Usdaw & BRC working together to bring retail safely out of lockdown

COMMENT: Usdaw & BRC working together to bring retail safely out of lockdown

BRC CEO Helen Dickinson & Usdaw boss Paddy Lillis explain how they're working together to safely bring retail out of lockdown.
Benjamin Wall Mastering 3 coronavirus challenges through customer loyalty

COMMENT: Mastering 3 coronavirus challenges with customer loyalty

Benjamin Wall identifies the 3 main challenges plaguing UK retail at the moment, and proposes ways to make the best out of them.
Ian Edwards Facebook Chatbots could be the answer to the customer services crunch

COMMENT: Chatbots could be the answer to the customer services crunch

Ian Edwards, Head of Planning for Facebook Northern Europe, explains how retailers can use chatbots to ease pressures.
COMMENT: Maintaining & building customer loyalty in the time of corona Jo Causon ICS opinion

COMMENT: Maintaining & building customer loyalty in the time of corona

ICS chief executive Jo Causon on how retailers can strive to maintain customer loyalty in a time of crisis.
Covid-19 doesn’t have to mean the end of indie retail comment Gary Williams Hatton Garden BID opinion

COMMENT: Why Covid-19 doesn’t have to mean the end of indie retail

Stores may be closed but there are ways indies retailers come back fighting when the crisis is over, Gary Williams writes.
Going digital during lockdown? Here's what you need to know Snag Tights CEO Brie Read

COMMENT: Going digital during lockdown? Here’s what you need to know

Snag Tights founder Brie Read provides tips on how retailers can benefit from adapting their digital strategy during coronavirus.
It's time fashion retailers made the most of second-hand clothing Benjamin Wall opinion comment Amazon

COMMENT: It’s time fashion retailers made the most of second-hand clothing

There are a number of advantages for a fashion retailer to exploit its existing market position to develop the sale of 2nd-hand.
Jo Causon: Time to re-evaluate what excellent customer service looks like Institute of Customer Service ICS UKCSI opinion comment oped

COMMENT: The customer service conundrum for retailers

Institute of Customer Service CEO Jo Causon says it's time for retailers to start re-evaluating their CX priorities.

Feature Resource

Why a reliable store systems support partner is a must for...

A reliable store systems support partner is one of the most important requirements for high street retailers Every retailer has experienced the chaos that occurs...
