A post Covid-19 POS environment that creates a sense of customer wellbeing

As non-essential stores begin to reopen across the UK and the lockdown begins to ease, a new normal is emerging and it’s one that we must all become comfortable with. The question is, how can we get back to some kind of normality and shop safely?

Retail has only really paid lip service to customer and staff welfare, but post-Covid-19, the sector will need to recognise that ensuring everyone in-store feels safe is top of their agenda.

Making shopping faster – keep it frictionless

Making the point of sale (POS) simple, faster, touch-free and cleaner will add real value to the in-store shopping experience. Customers will remember stores with effective and fast POS processes – meaning that shoppers can quickly shop and pay, hygienically and friction-free.

The POS is one place that has the potential to see large queues forming, carrying a greater risk of spreading the virus between staff and customers. Nobody likes to queue – even more so when we’ve experienced a global pandemic – so picking up what we need and getting out of the store quickly is now a priority.

Self-scanning is a proven way to speed up the entire checkout process. By providing a barcode scanner at the POS, customers can quickly scan their smart phone or card for a totally frictionless way to, add or spend loyalty points, or access their store accounts – hygienically and touch free.

Delivering change for retailers, large and small

Whether you’re a multi-lane food-store or a specialist retailer, it’s easy and cost effective to make these changes, to create a point of sale environment that puts customer and staff welfare first. You can do this by implementing the three following modular POS products:

  • The Ergonomic Solutions SpacePole Scanner Mount Adapter customised for the Zebra Technologies MS4717 fixed mount 2D imager. It securely fixes the device to your existing payment mounting solution to provide a range of self-scanning applications.
  • The Zebra MS4717 2D scanner for fantastic scanning performance on virtually any 1D & 2D barcode. It enables faster, accurate scanning of cards and mobile phones – without leaving the customer’s hand – for frictionless, cleaner and faster payments.
  • For tablet POS environments, Zebra’s ET56 enterprise tablet computer can attach to the 2D M4717 device using an Ergonomic Solutions tablet enclosure to enable a range of scanning tasks without having to unclip the tablet, thereby creating one totally integrated solution.

Using the SpacePole Scanner Mount Adapter alongside these options from Zebra Technologies, retailers can easily add self-scanning to a legacy POS system, without having to replace the entire set-up. Implement these modular solutions to create a cleaner and faster POS to keep customers returning to your store. Give them confidence and trust in your post-Covid-19 checkout environment and create that all-important sense of customer wellbeing.

Email: info@ergonomic.solutions // Visit: www.ergonomic.solutions

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