Monday, May 20, 2024
Gareth Wild 6-year challenge to park in every spot at local Sainsbury’s Bromley London viral social media Twitter carpark parking

Friday Fun One: One man’s 6-year challenge to park in every spot at local...

A man has gone viral on social media after completing a six-year challenge to park in every car parking space at his local Sainsbury’s.
Last week M&S lodged an intellectual property claim against Aldi regarding the Colin the Caterpillar cake, here's a roundup of the best reactions on social media.

Friday Fun One: The best Colin the Caterpillar memes

Last week M&S lodged an intellectual property claim against Aldi regarding Colin the Caterpillar. Cue all the social media memes...
The jewellery retailer Taylor & Hart has created a diamond-encrusted Haribo-inspired ring that you can actually propose with.The ruby red band includes 224 diamonds and is topped with an 18 carat yellow gold basket of 40 diamonds.

Friday Fun One: Taylor & Hart’s Haribo diamond ring

Jewellery retailer Taylor & Hart has created a diamond-encrusted Haribo-inspired ring that you can actually propose with.
Following the viral success of Marks & Spencer's Santa's Yumnut last year, the retailer has decided to launch its new love nut Yumnut just in time for Valentines Day.

Friday Fun One: M&S’s Yumnuts return for Valentines Day

M&S described it as a "love nut" in its tweets. Okay, then.
Sainsbury's unveils part I of three-part Christmas advert series Gravy Song

Friday Fun One: Social media users skewering Sainsbury’s Christmas ad dissenters

Here are some of our favourites from Twitter and TikTok, starting off with our favourite - a skit from comedian Munya Chawawa:
Hilarious tweets about M&S's new 'Santa's Yumnuts'

Friday Fun One: Twitter’s reaction to M&S’s “Santa’s Yumnut”

Earlier this week, the M&S Food launched a new treat for their in-store bakeries, called Santa's Yumnut.
Bensons for Beds appoints chief operating officer with furniture, home background

Friday Fun One: Bensons for Beds is looking for a “Bum Tester”

Bensons for Beds - one of the UK's leading bedding and mattress retailers - is currently advertising an internal vacancy for a "bum tester".
How it Started vs How it's Going: The Retailer Edition

How it Started vs How it’s Going: The Retailer Edition

While social media users have been showing off their relationships, retailers have also jumped on board the latest viral trend.
Friday Fun One : Morrisons' sacks of wet boiled eggs

Friday Fun One : Morrisons’ sacks of wet boiled eggs

This week, Morrisons shoppers were left shocked, disgusted or simply confused after finding a "wretched" packs of eggs.
Prince Charles visited TK Maxx for the first time this week and hailed the budget retailer "amazing". He went to meet young people who participated in the company's Get into Retail programme with The Prince's Trust.

Friday Fun One: Prince Charles’ amazement at TK Maxx

Prince Charles visited TK Maxx for the first time this week and hailed the budget retailer "amazing".

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Why a reliable store systems support partner is a must for...

A reliable store systems support partner is one of the most important requirements for high street retailers Every retailer has experienced the chaos that occurs...
